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Funraising trip to Harrah's.

From: Robin D. D.
Sent on: Saturday, May 31, 2014, 2:55 PM

Dear members,our fundraising day trip to Harrah's Cherokee Casino is exactly one wee

k from today and i wanted to take this moment to remind you that some of the proceeds from this trip and others will be donated to our group.These funds will help us in our pursuit to purchase our own facility,defray the costs of the Meetup so that we don't have to resort to charging membership dues like many of the other Meetups are doing and to allow us to continue to advertise our group so that we can get more members to join and expand our base.If you can not make this trip then i can understand that but i would like for you to help us to get the word out to your family and friends in your other social media outlets in the hopes that someone may want to travel with us and have some fun as well.Best wishes,Robin...404-[masked]...

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