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Hey it's Matt

From: Matt
Sent on: Monday, January 14, 2013, 11:39 AM



How are you? Enjoying the beginning of 2013? How's your business coming along these days? Hopefully well. Are those new years resolutions working out as well? Mine is just to try and step out of my comfort zone whenever I can. Sort of as a way to challenge myself to overcome these sort of mental blocks that sometimes we build up. Like if I'm in a mall I'm trying out new stores, or just trying new things in life.


As for your business I have an idea for you. One simple way that you can get your message out there is to set yourself up on all the various social networks. So not just facebook and twitter but a variety of others. I found a list of the top 25 here:  It seems reasonably accurate.


However, when you're setting those up your should have a website, or blog that you use as your homepage. If you don't already have a website then you could quickly set up a blog on either: wordpress or on Tumblr. I like tumblr as it's very easy to use. That way you'll have a basic website in about 10 minutes promoting what you do. Then go on the social networks and spread the word, and be sure to add your site to all of them.


Anyway the next meet up is on the 21st. Please rsvp below. Thank you.


Matt   rsvp now


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