What we’re about
Jump-start your dancing journey, Get set up with go-to moves, and Get out dancing in the Real World! We have dance lessons weekly with fun peeps (Singles, Couples, Beginners especially welcome!), with one common goal: to survive on the Dance Floor, Look Amazing, and Gain enough confidence to actually go out dancing together!
Sophia in Sapphire (Organizer) provides a one stop shop when it comes to learning to dance. Our organizers have meetups to get you set up with go-to moves AND we take you out dancing in the Real World to use them! We esteem a tride and true teaching method by breaking down the basics, and making dance accessible for anyone. We have group classes and parties.
More info on your dance instructor: [https://www.SophiainSapphire.com](https://SophiainSapphire.com)
Learn how to twirl, dip, even how to ask someone to dance! Each month we will be learning a specific dance to USE and moves to IMPLEMENT on our "Dance Field Trips".
Classes are tailored for learning dances that are applicable to the current, "Social Dance" scene in Las Vegas. Dances may include, but are not limited to Swing, Salsa, 2 Step, Tango, Hustle, Cha-Cha and more. As we grow and develop together, the group will keep evolving like a live entity, continually addressing the interests and needs of its members.
See more of our videos on instagram: @sophiainsapphire