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Message Regarding Conduct

From: Miriam
Sent on: Friday, 1 June 2018, 1:49 pm

Hi Everyone,

I've had another report from a gentleman regarding inappropriate behavior from a woman/women in this group.  Believe it or not, we have actually had more issues with the sexual conduct of women towards men than men towards women.  Ladies, please keep in mind that consent is something that we require from both men and women.  Please don't just assume that your advances are always going to be welcomed by men.  And gentlemen, if someone in this group behaves in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, please do speak up.  If you let this behavior pass, you are encouraging more of the same.  Please be assured, I will come down as hard on women as I do on men for any inappropriate behavior.

The organisers can't have their eyes everywhere at once so we depend on our members to help ensure that our rules and guidelines regarding personal conduct are adhered to.  If someone behaves in a way that you feel is not in keeping with this groups ethic's, values and policies, please make a point of gently pointing this out to them or come and speak to an organiser about it.

Please be gracious and gentle with each other.  Keep in mind that people rarely intend to be inappropriate or insulting.   People are not always aware of how they are coming across, particularly after a few drinks.  If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, be kind in your response.  Saying "Back off, creepster" or "Hands off, slut!" and then going around telling everyone to watch out for that person is NOT an appropriate response.  If someone does not listen to you when you explain your issue to them, come and see and organiser, don't elevate the situation with nasty, strong words.

Thanks for reading!


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