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What we’re about

NOTE TO AUTHORS: Please stop cold emailing me asking me to promote your book or run a giveaway, I am only interested in supporting the work written by our regular members who are enjoying our group and not just looking for a free plug. Thank you.


The "Choose Your Own Book Club" is a book club with a twist.

If you're anything like me, you already have a stack of books that you own but have not read (at last count I had over 30). You're biggest problem is knowing that you will read them 'one day' and the habit of buying new ones before you finish the old ones. This is the book club for those who love reading, but have hesitated when joining a book club because you already have so many of your own books to read (and who wants to waste precious time reading a book they don't want to read?)

So for this book club - we're only reading what we want to read! Every month we hold a meet up at a place with delicious food (e.g. cake, pizza, noodle bars etc) to discuss what we've read.

This is the book club for you if you...
* Often have 3+ books on your nightstand that you're reading "at the moment"
*Can't resist going into every bookstore you pass, just to have a 'browse'
*Regularly start new books before finishing the old ones
*Obsessively grab those 'Top 100' book list and see how many you can tick off
*Know that you will likely die before reading all the books you want to read.... and feel slightly depressed once you realise this fact
*Enjoy meeting fellow book lovers and getting new recommendations

Our Book Club Meetup Locations Alternate Between....

*CBD/Inner Suburbs Meetup (Run by Samantha): Every second meetup is run at a location in the CBD/Inner suburbs by Samantha. We are currently hosting our city meetup at the Dymocks Collins St Cafe

*Southern/Eastern Suburbs Meetup (Run by Sally): Our co-organiser Sally M runs every second meetup in the Southern/Eastern suburbs. These meetups are often no further from the CBD than the Chadstone area