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What we’re about

This is a group for all those interested in extracting value from data, using advanced statistical, computational and analytical tools. At Data Science Sydney we discuss advanced machine learning, feature extraction, outlier detection, bayesian stats and deep learning methods. We are not focused on any specific technique or tool, but the full panoply of methods. If you believe that data is an undiscovered country to be explored for treasure, then this is the group for you.
We meet (roughly) once a month in the Sydney area to hear experts in the field present their perspective and experience using data science. We try to select topics and speakers that cater to a wide audience, from those just curious to find out what Data Science is about, to experts interested in the latest algorithms and hacks. We hope that this will bring together a diverse group of people at our meetups and we leave enough time before and after the presentations to get to know each other and do some good old networking.
Also, we are now collecting our presentations on our youtube channel:

Upcoming events (1)

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