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What we’re about

Come meet your fellow DIYbio enthusiasts who are interested in opening a space where anyone, any age or background, can walk in off the streets to learn, practice, and discuss science with like minded individuals. Hop on board and lets make this happen. Our meetups will be focused on DIYbio topics but will also include many others like entrepreneurship, interesting research, the maker movement and more.
Check out the progress of BioQuisitive, Melbourne's DIYbio lab at 
Come say hi at one of our events, ask questions, or have a quick look at the space. Currently only members can work in the space due to safety reasons. If you're interested in becoming a member, go to []( .
If you would like to support this meetup and become a sponsor please don't hesitate to get in contact with us!
Join the BioHack Melbourne community on Facebook
Help us understand how to give our members the best possible value and take the time to fill out this survey! Thank you!