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Late Breaking Opportunity - DataStart

From: Chris K.
Sent on: Wednesday, 9 December 2015, 8:24 am

Open data can help every sector to grow – which government datasets could you use to create the next big thing? Take the innovation challenge and participate in DataStart, a government data incubator. Find out more at

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet is partnering with established Australian incubator, Pollenizer, to deliver DataStart.

This pilot project aims to give Australian tech start-ups new opportunities to develop sustainable business solutions through access to open government data.

The project is being sponsored by corporate partners, Google and Optus, with support from CSIRO’s Data61, Rozetta and the AIIA. PwC Australia is the strategic adviser for the initiative.

DataStart is your opportunity to leverage the experience and contacts of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Pollenizer, the project sponsors and partners.

Hurry – Applications close on Friday, 11 December 2015


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