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What we’re about

Limitless Leaders is a group for people seeking inspiration and motivation to make lasting mindset change.

Are you a business leader, entrepreneur, business owner, startup, founder, online business, marketer, consultant or salesperson?

This group meets monthly to provide a different take on our world and learn brain training techniques to pursue a constant path to elevation.

We provide inspiring and motivating perspective on the massive change taking place all around us, whilst inspiring each other to grow and lead businesses into the future.

There are Aha moments and moments of clarify galore – we feel a lot of passion and light at these meetups!

People in our group:
·         Want something different
·         Are forward thinkers
·         Love what they do and want to give more
·         Seek a better future for themselves and their loved ones
·         Want to grow their network and meet like-minded people
·         Believe in the power of human connection and emotional engagement

Limitless Leaders will empower the development of your mindset game to believe in the strength of values and passion as ways to create change. Be part of this passionate and dynamic group to sustain the pace of business leadership and change; to grow your business; or to help you to clarify and create the next step in your life journey.

Whilst Heather is not currently hosting any Meetups, she will do so in the future.