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What we’re about

Welcome to Polkadot and Kusama, Brisbane! This is a community for both technical and non-technical people to learn about, discuss, and hack on the Polkadot and Kusama networks, multichain platforms that address blockchain governance, interoperability, and scalability issues. 

We will follow Polkadot and Kusama development and learn about developing parachains, tools, and DApps for the network and cover a variety of meetups from beginners to advanced and social networking events. Join the Polkadot telegram group to get news updates and more information on the Polkadot ecosystem. 

What is Polkadot? 

Polkadot is a next-generation, sharded, multi-chain network founded by Dr. Gavin Wood, cofounder and former chief technology officer of Ethereum and creator of the Solidity programming language. Polkadot is a metaprotocol solving many challenges that has hindered the growth of legacy blockchains, including scalability, governance, security, and interoperability. Polkadot is a project fostered by the Web3 Foundation and built by industry-leading developers like Parity Technologies. Applications from decentralized finance and energy to gaming and communications will thrive on Polkadot, challenging the centralized platforms of the current web.

What is Kusama? 

Kusama is a scalable network of specialized blockchains built using Substrate* and nearly the same codebase as Polkadot. The network is a development environment for teams who want to move fast and innovate exclusively on Kusama, or fine-tune and prepare for deployment on Polkadot. Kusama was founded in 2019 by Gavin Wood. Kusama is a platform built for radical change agents to take back control from big tech, spark innovation and push the limits of what’s possible.

*Substrate is the development framework for building custom blockchains that can connect to the Polkadot or Kusama network.

===Additional Resources and Getting Connected===

• Learn more about Polkadot:
• Polkadot vision video with Dr. Gavin Wood:
• Learn more about Kusama:
• Join the Polkadot Ambassadors – 200+ people from 45+ countries who are contributing their technical or non-technical skills to the growth of Polkadot, Kusama, and Substrate:
• Polkadot Telegram:
• Polkadot Twitter:
• Kusama Telegram:
• Kusama Twitter:
• Developer? Learn more about Substate at and
• Stay up-to-date with our email newsletters: