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Happy Holidays from Peter, Organizer

From: Peter C.
Sent on: Monday, December 22, 2008, 11:00 PM
Members of Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Meetup.

Thank you for being associated with our group the past few months or years.

I wanted to wish you & yours, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Even tho? we?re hearing mostly ?gloom & doom? about the economy, I think my company 5 Star and it?s Consultants should be doing well in the next year. We have a new Client that wants to negotiate the Contract ? as soon as we can get it prepared. And we have a couple other Clients that have expressed a strong interest in using our services after the first of the year.

If you know any Startup needing help, please refer them. If you know any Consultants that would like to help Startups, they could be on the 5 Star Team or be Advisors to the Team. Contact me.

As a reminder, our first meeting in January will be on Thurs 22nd. If you ever know of a good Speaker, let me know.

Let?s have a good time in 2009 !!! [address removed] (408)[masked]

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