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If you have an extra $1, $5, $10, pls help this poor kitty's vet bills...

From: Jackie Eco - Eco Stand-up C.
Sent on: Friday, April 5, 2013, 1:38 PM
Please consider a donation of whatever you can - even $5 or $1 will help. You can do it via Paypal as I did. Thanks, Jackie:) 
PS: Lifeline for Pets is a wonderful, reputable organization.

Raised: $0 Goal: $800
Lifeline For Pets must ask for your help.
We rescued Lacy from a sad situation. It soon became apparent that she is worse off than we thought. Her vet bills and follow-up care will be high. Whatever amount you can give will be a tremendous gift. SEE LACY'S FULL STORY, VIDEO, and more pix on our website, where you will find our DONATE button--it's safe and easy! THANK YOU!

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