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A few more places available for the Intensive Healthy Cooking Course

From: Martina
Enviado el: viernes, 6 de julio de 2012, 11:31


some of you have already signed up for the Summer Intensive Healthy Cooking Course with Montse Bradford that will take place next weekend (13-15 July).

I am delighted to announce 5 more first come first served places to join the course and those subscribed.

Why come? To learn ...

- how to cook healthy food which is simple at the same time,

- how to create good quality blood,

- about your constitution so that you know which food is good for you,

- how to move towards a healthier way of eating,

- and much more.

Check here more information about the course -

I anticipate these places going very quickly so to avoid missing out book now - send an email to [address removed].

I hope to see you at the course. Have a good weekend.




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