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Few days left for INTRO TO BAILE FLAMENCO!!! y olé !

From: Maris
Enviado el: lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013, 10:42


Dear All,

just a short note to reminder you that still we have some slots left for our Class of Flamenco.

Some general information:  

-This class is for beginners.

- you do not need to bring flamenco shoes but you will need to bring shoes with a little heels (for tapping) , no flat shoes, no rubber shoes.

- Bring comfortable clothes.

- Max of people : 10.

- The idea is to dance flamenco but having fun in an easy way for beginners. And trying to express all the passion we all have in our hearts through this GREAT DANCE: FLAMENCO.

So do you dare to try out? ;-))))




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