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Fwd: [jugs] 2019 JVM Ecosystem Survey - please share!

From: Israel
Enviado el: jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019, 12:42
Es esa época del año otra vez ^_^


It's my pleasure to announce the 2019 JVM Ecosystem survey!

This year, I'm partnering up with the major JVM conferences and communities in the ecosystem, including Devoxx, DevNexus, Jfokus, JCrete, The Developer’s Conference and AdoptOpenJDK, to produce the biggest and best Java ecosystem survey to date!

As well as other answers, we're keen to find out:
  1. Are you adopting the latest versions of Java?
  2. Where are you getting your Java binaries from?
  3. Are you willing to pay for support?
  4. How will you react to the javax namespace restrictions?

It won't take long to fill out and we'll send you a beautiful report showing the results of the survey in return, plus you get the chance to win a ticket to one of your favourite conferences!

Once again, we'll donate $2000 to Devoxx4Kids and a thank you when we get 10,000 responses, so let's do it! :oD

Please share to your user groups and communities! If you cc me on any emails you send, and share your logo with me, I'll add your community into the report as well!

Thanks -- Simon
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