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HIKE tomorrow Sat 1st - Navacerrada with main peaks and the river valley down to town

From: Carmen
Enviado el: viernes, 30 de junio de 2017, 12:10


Tomorrow Saturday is finally nos boiling! We'll take advantage of the cease fire in the weather to do this classic Madrid ascent to the surreal Bola del Mundo peak and next door Maliciosa peak. From there we'll take the beautiful Barranca valley down, along the Navacerrada river, passing through a couple water spots where we might be able to take a dip :)

Cool trail, great views and special weather. It's a fantastic hike. Info, photos and signups here and my whatsapp for any questions is here[masked]. There's no minimum number of atendees so pack a lunch and come with us if you wanna escape the madness that Madrid is gonna be this weekend! :)

