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Meetup on Using FB to Viral WP Blogs - 20th January 2018

From: Sibtain Z.
Enviado el: viernes, 19 de enero de 2018, 10:44
Hi Friends,

Wishing a very Happy New Year to all of you :)

Almost everyone of you must have used Facebook extensively. Tomorrow (Saturday, 20th January 2018) we will learn how to promote your WP blog through Facebook. This will be our first meetup of WP Delhi NCR Meetup group of this year.

We have invited 2 experts from within our community to tell us the intricacies of using FB to promote the blogs.

Mr Prakash Bengani will tell us how to optimise our presence on FB to get more traffic to our blogs.

Mr Nilay Chakrapani, an expert in managing FB Ads will cover basics to advance management of FB Ads.

We will also have a AMA session on the above topics and as usual we will have delicious snacks to relish with networking after the sessions.

Topic : Using FB to Viral WP Blogs
Date : 20th January 2018 Saturday
Time : 4 PM
Venue : Startup Cafe Academy, First Floor, FD-1, Next to Gate No. 3 of Pitampura Station, ICICI Bank Building, Pitampura, Delhi (Location on Google Map)

We are thankful to our sponsors Startup Cafe Academy, JoomDev, WPOven & GoDaddy for supporting our meetup group.

Please feel free to contact me for any information / assistance.

Kind regards,

Sibtain Zaheer

If you wish to be a speaker at one of our future meetups, please contact us at Email / Mobile [masked]

To remain updated about the meetups/events/activities of WP Delhi NCR community, please join us on social media channels & please share these links with your friends, colleagues etc.

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