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De qué se trata

Mary Magdalene Meet-Up is a place for us to connect with and celebrate the feminine divine spirit.

We will … 

*Create a sacred space through making an altar. 

*Become conscious of our personal connections to the feminine divine. 

*Enjoy conversation about Mary Magdalene and how can she help us to connect to our personal expression of the feminine.

*Have fun and deeply connect with the spirit of Mary Magdalene and other Goddesses through storytelling.

As we explore you will get to ...

*Become more fully self-expressed as we delve into the heart of the feminine spirit. 

*Develop a deeper connection to the feminine Divine.

*Discover tools to connect with the feminine divine. 

*Share personal stories about Mary and your connection to the Feminine Divine.

The Feminine Divine spirit is awakening in and around us all, the world wide. For me, this presence manifests through the image and spirit of Mary Magdalene. I am looking to express and share this experience. ~Annalisa Derr

A Mary Magdalene devotee, Annalisa embarked on her first solo Mary Magdalene pilgrimage in Southern France in 2014, where she was initiated into the Magdalene Mysteries. 

Combining her background as a performer, spiritual seeker, and graduate student, Annalisa has a fully integrated approach to mind-body-soul work that allows others a direct experience of the Feminine Divine. She is a graduate student at Pacifica Graduate Institute where she is studying mythology. To find out more about her Magdalene Rose Energy Healing and upcoming workshops, email: