De qué se trata
We’re excited to bring you the latest on all things AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, and Big Data.
With the worldwide growth of our meetups, we at H2O.ai want to engage our community by providing the best speakers and content in the industry.
We are on a mission to democratize AI for everyone.
H2O.ai is the leading AI cloud company trusted by more than 20,000 global organizations including AT&T, Bon Secours Mercy Health, Capital One, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Hitachi, Kaiser Permanente, Procter & Gamble, PayPal, Walgreens, and others as well as over half of the Fortune 500 and 1 million data scientists. Those who use the H2O AI Cloud platform are rapidly solving complex business problems and accelerating the discovery of new ideas.
We’re so glad you’re here! If you’d like to collaborate on future meetups, become a co-organizer or have suggestions, please message us. Thank you for advancing the future of AI with us!
Juan M
Community Director, H2O.ai
Eventos pasados (44)
Ver todo- Evento de red116 asistentes de 8 grupos de organizadoresLive Webinar: IA Generativa: Desafiando los Mitos de ImplementaciónEste evento ya se ha celebrado
Enlaces de grupo
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Temas relacionados
- Inteligencia artificial
- Código abierto
- Big Data
- Procesamiento de lenguajes naturales
- Aprendizaje automático
- Análisis de datos
- Análisis predictivo
- Aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial
- Automated Machine Learning
- Ciencia de datos
- Aprendizaje profundo
- H2O
- Nuevas tecnologías
- Desarrollo de software
- Machine Learning Interpretability