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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

Start a Company in 2018. Bogotá FI Applications Due Sunday

From: Jonathan G.
Enviado el: viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018, 12:06

Hey Everyone,

We just wanted to let you know that this Sunday is the Early Application Deadline for the Bogotá Founder Institute. If you are serious about building an enduring company in 2018, then check it out.

The Founder Institute is "the world's premier idea-stage accelerator and startup launch program", and the results speak for themselves. For example, FI Graduates have raised over $600M and include some of the world's fastest growing companies.

Meetup members are invited to apply for free at ($50 value), or you can learn more at

If you enroll by Sunday's Early Deadline, you will also be eligible for a reduced course fee and several Founder Institute Fellowships.

Have a great weekend!

- Startup Founder 101