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De qué se trata

Hello ! This is George Modilevsky. Polyglot teacher. I am organizing this meet ups at the Ajusco, inside Mexico City. It is a magical place inside NATURE. We shall be in contact with the forest and with all the services one might need. There is a nice family restaurant for gathering and having splendid local food. From quesadillas to Mushroom soup or T-bone beefstake. Dancing in the premises is possible and also staying overnight in a cottage. Friendly and natural environment where we can gather and make friends of all ages by practicing languages and hiking the mountain together. Secure place. Lovely place with ranch animals and music for all tastes. We can forget about the Internet for an awesome weekend. This will be held, starting February 14th, 2015. Let us meet there ! All Saturdays and Sundays of 2015, you are welcome ! We can organize groups by age, too ! From there, we can travel to Europe together after organizing a group. Living in hostels in Europe. The first step is meeting at The Ajusco, practice languages, making friends and making future plans in diverse groups. ( Kilometer 11.2 ). The place is called..." Los Trementineros " . When driving uphill on the same road as going to SIX FLAGS, you keep on driving to kilometer 11.2....and you turn right after hitting the first GOTCHA around. We are very close to TEPOZAN but...across the road from there ! Let us meet up there on February 14th and enjoy our first meal together. You can arrive any time ! You only pay what you consume ! Excellent prices and...seasoning touch ! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to all !! George Modilevsky. Ingles en Un Mes in Google. Whatsapp...5527619759.

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