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De qué se trata

Welcome to the Nomads Giving Back! Mexico City Community!

This group is a place for members to come together to meet local social impact leaders, network with fellow socially conscious travelers, connect foreigners & locals, learn & share skills and give back to this amazing community we call home away from home!

Nomads Giving Back!
We inspire you to give back to the communities you call home away from home! We serve as a bridge between foreigners & locals and help solve the problem "I want to give back to local communities but I don't know how." We do this through advocacy, local partnerships & our free volunteer matching program. Join our community


Nomads Skillshare!
We empower you to learn the skills to live the life you imagined! Through in-person and virtual skillshares, courses, events & connections, you’ll gain the skills you desire by leveraging the power of our inspiring community. Join us!

Inspire yourself, Inspire the world! 🌎🙏💙

Próximos eventos (4+)

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