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De qué se trata

Welcome to The Greatest Group Ever, Tampa Bay Adventures! Providing fun for fun people in Tampa Bay and throughout the world since 2011. The mission of TBA is to "Have fun and make friends!''  We also do many volunteer & charity events, striving to be a positive force in the community. Our main focus is in and round St Petersburg and the South Beaches of Pinellas County. 
Tampa Bay Adventures is a contributory group and everyone is expected to contribute in some way. Organizers contribute by investing lots of time and energy into making the fun happen. Members must contribute by posting a current, close up photo and submitting  a minimum of $12 annual dues. We  also ask that you contribute by suggesting events, being friendly, and telling your friends about us. 
Many of our events involve physical activity and the risks associated with adventures, sports and crazy parties. Please enter at your own risk. Tampa Bay Adventures expects it's members to drink responsibly and never drive while under the influence. We also expect you to be cautious and aware of the risks associated with online communication and dating.  
Member back ground checks are not part of the membership criteria prior to acceptance. Therefore, The Organizers of TBA do not endorse any member's credibility. Please report suspicious or inappropriate behavior to appropriate local law officials immediately.  Inappropriate messaging and or behavior is grounds for immediate dismissal. Therefore, Members are encouraged to screenshot inappropriate messages and forward them to TBA Leadership for disciplinary action. 
You must keep a personal/recognizable photo of yourself  posted to your TBA profile at all times. This allows us to recognize you at events and make you feel welcome.  Member profiles without photos are subject to deletion.
Now lets get out there and Live the Adventure! 
~ Sherry Organizer