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New Event: The next and far from final Sing Out Jam Out

From: Rick M.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 9:48 AM
Announcing a new event for The DC Area Folk SOJO (Sing Out Jam Out)!

What: The next and far from final Sing Out Jam Out

When: Saturday, January 26, 2:00 PM

Event fee: USD4.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: So our most recent outing turned out NOT to be the penultimate meeting in Crystal City after all! I'm glad you'll all continue to meet at our usual location during my extended absence (unless of course you choose to go elsewhere, but I'm guessing that's unlikely).

Come one come all to the next SOJO, and my last for a while, January 26, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. It will indeed take place in the usual location. Bring your big loud happy voices, instruments, something to quench your thirst, your Rise Up Singing book and $4 to contribute to the room rent. I will again have copies of Rise Up Singing for sale ($17 or less) for anyone that would like one.

And don't forget to RSVP so we can see who's coming and we'll know how to set up the room.

See you all soon.

Keep on singin,' jammin,' and smilin,'


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