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This is a group for anyone interested in personal development, spiritual development, Life Transformation, Meditation, Self Empowerment, Spiritual Awakening, etc. Brahmrishi Sri Guruvanand Swamiji (lovingly known as “Gurdev”), a highly evolved Spiritual Master imbued with tremendous power, is an unique Divine Gift to humanity in the modern age of spiritual turmoil and tussle. Full of compassion and love combined with humility and simplicity he is one of the most revered accomplished saints in the current era. Gurudev’s spiritual journey began in his infancy under miraculous circumstances. Yogiraj Devraha Baba, one of the most esteemed saints of recent times, brought Gurudev to his ashram to save his life from a terminal illness. Devraha Baba predicted that Gurudev would achieve the pinnacle of spirituality, and he will use that divine energy to heal and serve humanity. Yogiraj’s predictions have come true. Gurudev has invoked all Chakras of his Kundalini and with 42 years of rigorous Sadhana he has acquired all Siddhis. A few recent sages are believed to have reached this ultimate stage of spirituality. Gurudev is using the enormous divine energy that he has acquired to help those in distress and to uplift the lives of millions of people around the globe. He has traveled to over 170 countries to teach people the art of living a morally uplifting and spiritually fulfilling life. He has the unique capacity to impart deep spiritual message in the language of common masses that they can understand and translate in their everyday life so that we can overcome our Karmic debts while we fulfill our worldly duties. Gurudev’s knowledge of all the great Vedas, Epics, Bhagavad Gita, other religious Shastras, and Astrology is immense. He is also a renowned scholar of Jainism, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. Gurudev has participated in several international religious conferences, including the “All Religion World Conference” where he has been honored with “The Best Personality” gold medal numerous times. The Jyotish council of Germany has awarded Gurudev “Jyotish Marmagya” (The Greatest Jyotishagya.) It is remarkable that a spiritual saint of his caliber has also achieved impressive academic distinctions. Gurudev holds numerous degrees including M. Tech. from IIT , Kharagpur (equivalent to MIT and Harvard in USA); PhD in Astrology; and Masters in Sanskrit, Vedas, and Jyotish. He has been Honorary Principal and professor at various academic institutions including Banaras Hindu University. With his background in Science Guru JI looks for ways to bring the science & the scientific mentality and spiritualism & the spiritual mentality together in creative dialogue. With his life transformative spiritual message He inspires and empowers, keeps us informed and engaged, as we move forward with our spiritual quest.