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What we’re about

Osho is one of the great spiritual leaders of our time, his message of meditation and celebration as a path to individual freedom happily dovetails with the modern lifestyle and his meditation techniques are his lasting gift to mankind. 'From Osho with Love' is a weekly chance to practice Osho meditation techniques in a tranquil and nurturing surrounding. It is for everyone who can see the joy inherent in our lives and who wants perhaps to explore themselves and this wonderful world more deeply. Osho is about celebration and becoming your true self, free from the social conditioning and sometimes absurd trappings of our material society. Osho meditations can be both active (involving music, dance, shaking and movement) and seated, silent and motionless. The meditations are open to all persons over 18 and are suitable for experienced meditators and complete beginners........... so come along and reconnect with your spirit in a healthy and happy weekly celebration.

Upcoming events (3)

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