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Extended IO and Updates from Google

From: Chida
Sent on: Thursday, June 4, 2015, 2:58 PM
Hi Friends,

Last week was an incredibly exciting one thanks to Google
​DC for hosting the Google I/O Extended on both the days. Here is the link to some of the pictures. ​
​Also, h​
ere is a list of events that you might be interested in checking out.
  • Android Hack@Home: (JUNE 5) Join Chet Haase, Dan Sadler and Adam Powell (of the Android team @Google) for a two-hour live-streamed developer event, wherever you are; home, office, school. You'll be able to test the new Android M Developer Preview announced at Google I/O and ask questions of Googlers who built it. REGISTER HERE (mandatory) to get a link to the livestream. 
  • Next: A Cloud Platform Experience: (JUNE 12) Join key members of the Google Cloud Team in NYC (or sign up to watch on the livestream) to hear from experts and get hands on training on using Google Cloud technologies. REGISTER HERE (mandatory) to attend. The in-venue seats are sold out, but live-stream options are available.

Finally, a number of interesting events were announced at Google I/O including the first Polymer Summit (Amsterdam, September[masked]) and the first Ubiquitous Computing Summit (California, Fall 2015).

​Watch out for more events soon and DevFestDC - 2015!


​GDG DC Organizers

Chida  | [masked] |  @schida
​ | LinkedIn​ 

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