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BBQ & games party this weekend plus more

From: Michael K.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 19, 2013, 7:51 PM

This Sunday at 11am, Atheists United is throwing a BBQ, games and potluck party to celebrate the Summer Solstice.

Summer is almost here. The solstice marks the onset of summer, at the time of the longest day, in the northern hemisphere. Celebrate the new season with Atheists United at our BBQ party!

There’ll be great food cooking on the patio while we play card and board games with each other. The event will be very casual. Start a game yourself, join others, help out with the BBQ or just sit back and talk with other members.

** Click here for more details and to RSVP **


Leo Igwe - Founder of the Nigerian Humanist Movement and the Nigerian Skeptics

Human rights advocate Leo Igwe is back to give another powerful talk on Sunday, July 7th at 3 pm!

Leo Igwe has been beaten, arrested on trumped up charges, forced to watch his family mutilated and has suffered innumerable more minor hardships as a “reward” for his work on behalf of the children of Africa.

** Click here for more details and to RSVP **



We've posted more Atheists United videos
Three new videos have recently been posted on our videos page. Click here to see these new videos along with many others on the Atheists United video page.

Singer-songwriter Shelley Segal performs music from her album ‘An Atheist Album’

Darrel Ray talks about SEX and god and how one ruins the other

Leo Igwe talks about religiously inspired witch hunts in Nigeria

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