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Upcoming German stuff in the 'burgh

From: Gretchen G.
Sent on: Monday, September 28, 2009, 1:04 AM
Hallo Alle!

If you ask me what the best-tasting German food in Pittsburgh is, I would have to say Atria's! I know, it's not German, right? Well, the head chef from the Mt. Lebanon Atria's (the "original") is Josef Karst from Germany, and he pretty much dictates the menu for all of the Atria's. During the months of September and October, they have their "Oktoberfest Menu," and it has always (in my opinion) been DEE-LICIOUS! Anywho, I figured I'd plan our next food-related Meet Up for Atria's, and maybe on a Saturday afternoon? Let me call ahead to the larger Atria's in the area (PNC Park and O'Hara twp.), and see if they can accommodate a big group on a weekend. If so, I was thinking October 10? (Two of my German friends will be in town then, so I thought it would be a nice treat for them!) I'll keep you posted.

One other thing ... someone had asked about planning a Meet Up for the Oktoberfest celebration at the Hofbr?uhaus. Their festivities take place the weekend of October 2 and October 9 (Fri 5-midnight, Sat noon - midnight, Sun noon - 10). Since it will definitely be super-crowded, I thought members of our group could decide to meet at REI (that out-doorsy story near the Hofbr?u), and then go in together. WHEN shall we meet? Well, here are some options:

1. If we have a message board on this site (I haven't really checked it out too much), post WHEN you'd like to go to Oktoberfest, others will post there, too, and you could plan to meet at the meeting site (REI) and go in as a group.

2. I'll pick some meeting times RIGHT NOW and those who want to meet can just show up to REI and say, "Hey, are you from the German group, too? Cool! Let's go!" I would suggest going with friends (just in case) and waiting 15 minutes at each meeting time, to make sure people make it. I will suggest the following:
-- Friday @ 6:00
-- Saturday @ noon and 6:00
-- Sunday @ noon and 6:00

PLEASE don't everyone respond to this email to make plans ... I get EVERY response, and my mailbox gets crowded. It's better to post comments on the site. If you do have a better suggestion, please feel free to email me separately (so our whole group doesn't get bombarded with the response.)

Whew! Well, I'll get back to you all about Atria's, and in the mean-time ... Happy Oktoberfest! Ein Prosit der Gem?tlichkeit!


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