What we’re about
AEIDT-GHANA Shared-Value Model Strategy (New Collar Program) is called Ghana New Collar Job Skills Global (GNCJSG). ICT Program target professionals, educators, youth, young adults, and job seekers.
GNCJS Global is an online ICT Artificail Intelligence (AI) Data Science Career Development Program that leverages IBM SkillsBuild to train New Collar talent. In addition, GNCJSG accomplishes this by scaling the edges of Ghanaian communities that do not have access to the traditional ICT Career path. We believe GNCJS Global ICT Program, WE ARE NOT FOR EVERYBODY.
GNCJS Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) Data Science Program is for people who want to think differently about ICT training with practical skills coupled with team project-based learning.
GNCJS Global is doing the heavy lifting by leveraging AEIDT Global resources that provide access to real-world business projects. The projects focus on team-based practical experience with IBM-Digital Badges Credentials.
"Let's talk about what we can build together Prof. Arthur VIII"