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What we’re about

We are Real Estate Investors from A to Z. Real Estate beginners and long-timers, lenders, appraisers, attorneys, inspectors, contractors, CPA, CFP, skip-tracers, wholesalers, flippers, and even doctors, dentists, and pilots. If you're involved in the real estate investment community, then you want to be a part of the Global Investor Group- Tampa  a community that gets together on live events and online when necessary

The Global Investor Group- Tampa is committed to bringing value, education and opportunities to the group. In 2022, we are getting back to business with more live events and educational training to help you grow your business and expand your mindset to new ideas and tried and true investment strategies.

All levels of experience are welcome - Bring your positive attitude, energy and something to take notes with because you never know when a gold nugget drops that can make you a ton of money! Watch the meetup for upcoming events and meetings.