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FCIP Announcements - 13 August 2012

From: Ron Z.
Sent on: Monday, August 13, 2012, 8:01 PM


Upcoming events:

Ignite Fort Collins 12:
This Thursday, August 16, 6pm
The Lincoln Center, Magnolia Theater
There are tickets left and they're only $10.
Help us sell out the event and pick up a pair today!

We have a GREAT lineup including:

  • Lauren Hoff – Women, The Original Brewers of Beer
  • Josh Awtry (editor of the Coloradan) – How the Geek have inherited the Earth
  • Charles Buckley – The Middle Space: Aerial Photography on a budget
  • And 10 other 5-minute lightning fast presentations


FCIP August Meetup
Plone Wars
Thursday, August 23, 6pm
Fort Collins Brewery
RSVP right here:

I look forward to seeing you at one of these fine events,

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group are also in: