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What we’re about

Some intellectual stuff, some hands-on stuff, some fun stuff:

Regarding deity-based religions, meditation/spiritual disciplines, and (mindful) exploration of drug experiences: What do these things have in common? Maybe they are landmarks, symbols of a quest, a Questioning, a seeking of some Truth or Truths.

  • What am "I"?
  • What is "consciousness?" "God?"
  • Are we actually, fully HAVING this Experience? How can we?
  • In what ways have we experienced moments of Truth/clarity/Arrival?

These may represent 2 distinct paths of Questioning, but let's ignore that for now, and see if we can have some fun with it.

This is meant to be a space for us to discuss in a real-world-now, open-minded and fearless fashion, just what the Truth might be, what knowledge of it our own experiences have gained us, what we might have wrong, what we might have right, what our biggest questions and desires are.