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New Meetup: Brookview Twilight Golf

From: Sue
Sent on: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 6:45 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Minneapolis Golf Meetup Group!

What: Brookview Twilight Golf
When: Saturday, July 17,[masked]:30 PM
Price: $20.00 per person
Where: Brookview Golf Course
200 Brookview Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55426

We will be starting after 3:30pm as that's when "Twilight" rates kick in.

As usual, when golfing at Brookview it is very important that you are very, very sure about your intent to golf, as I will be required to pay upfront with a credit card and anyone who doesn't show up will be billed (by me) for the no show; because I'll get billed. So if your plans change I have to know by Wednesday, July 14th at 10:00pm, at the very latest.

If there are still people on the "Maybe" list by the 11th, they will need to be replaced by someone on the "Waiting List", if there is anyone on that list.

After golf we'll head over to Major's on 394 and see what we can get with our golf receipt. - Sue

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