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Update on Hack the Network

From: Y-Vonne
Sent on: Tuesday, January 12, 2016, 10:21 PM
Hello folks, 

Hope your new year is off to a strong start. Some of you may remember in late July I reached out to this group, soliciting interest in my newsletter for job seekers from underrepresented groups in tech, Hack the Network.  Since that time, we've come out with several editions and expanded to more than 30 companies. 

As it is the start of a new year, I wanted to reach out to the group again with information for those who may be interested, but have not had a chance to sign up. You can view the latest edition of HTN here  and sign up to receive the newsletter here. Feel free to hit me up with your interest in specific opportunities or to learn more about the project.


Y-Vonne Hutchinson | [masked] |[masked] |  [address removed]

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