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[Hacks/Hackers NYC] DataGotham tutorial tickets available

From: Chrys W.
Sent on: Friday, August 24, 2012, 5:55 PM


Hello all, Mike Dewar, who presented on WikiLeaks: Data Science & Data Journalism last year, is organizing DataGotham, a two-day data festival that Hacks/Hackers NYC members might be interested in. Mike has made a block of tickets available to Hacks/Hackers NYC for the Sept. 13 tutorials. Read below for details on how to get them. —Chrys, Al & Jacqui Hacks/Hackers NYC Hello Hacks/Hackers NYC! I wanted to let you know about DataGotham: a celebration of New York City’s data community!

This is an event run by Drew Conway, Hilary Mason, Mike Dewar and John Myles White that will bring together professionals from finance to fashion and from startups to the Fortune 500.  This day-and-a-half event will consist of intense discussion, networking, and sharing of wisdom, and will take place Sept. 13–14 at NYU Stern.

We also have four in depth tutorials running in parallel on the afternoon of Thursday, Sept. 13th, followed by cocktails and The Great Data Extravaganza Show at the Tribeca Rooftop that evening. Specifically, for the Machine Learning, Hacks/Hackers and Open Statistical Programming Meetup attendees, I've made a few special tickets available to ONLY the tutorials and the party in case you can't make the whole thing:

We'd love to see you there! Cheers, Mike Dewar



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