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Snow shoeing this week or weekend

From: Keith F.
Sent on: Monday, December 7, 2009, 11:35 AM
Hi everyone.

The deepest snow, south of Colorado, right now, is in the Sacramento Mts near Alamagordo. I sent an inquiry to the Lincoln National Forest Supervisor. Her response was that the snow shoeing conditions right now are "awesome" and "great". How long they will last is unknown.

Is anyone interested in going down in the next few days or if the conditions hold, this weekend?

Probably drive down early, snow shoe, spend a night (hostel, motel or even car camping), snow shoe next morning and return in afternoon. There are easy to moderate, fairly flat trails in the Silver Snowplay area.

I'll call the district ranger's office the day before leaving to confirm conditions. Hostel or hotel reservations can be made last minute.

While experienced in the outdoors, including cold weather hiking and camping, this would be my first time on snow shoes, so this would be a play in the snow, get some experience and exercise outing. Of course, experienced snow shoers could go off on their own.

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