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Discount on tickets to ZendCon 2011!!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, August 8, 2011, 9:26 AM



Members of the Houston PHP Users Group can get a 10% discount on tickets to the Zend PHP Conference 2011!


The Zend PHP Conference (ZendCon) is the largest gathering of the PHP Community and brings together PHP developers and IT managers from around the world to discuss PHP best practices and explore new technologies.


This year’s conference will be held on October 17-20, 2011 at the Convention Center in Santa Clara, California. The conference will include a variety of technical sessions and in-depth tutorials in the following areas:

             Cloud Computing - build applications, not infrastructure.

Learn about the latest developments in PHP Cloud infrastructure, management and application services

             Mobile and User Experience - go beyond the browser

Learn how to build engaging mobile apps with the latest PHP technologies and tools

             Enterprise and Professional PHP - master your craft

Explore PHP best practices, new technologies and practical tips with industry experts


Members of the Houston PHP Users Group can get a special discount on delegate places.  If you enter the special promotion code HPHPU you’ll get a 10% discount.  This discount is for attending the Conference + Tutorials or the Conference only. The discount does not apply for attending Tutorials only.

Early Bird prices are also available until September 10 so register now at

We hope to see you at ZendCon 2011!


Suzanne Eales
Marketing Executive
Tel +44 [masked]
Find me on Linkedin: Suzanne Eales

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