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July 13 ERE Recruiter Meetup: Networking + Special Guest

From: Evy
Sent on: Thursday, July 8, 2010, 3:38 PM
Hello everyone,

A quick update regarding the July 13th event: ERE Recruiter Meetup

We will be joined by special guest, Ted Elliot of Jobscience. Ted will discuss compliance strategies for using social networking tools in recruiting.

There will be plenty of time for networking. So come on down to SOMA and meet new folks, exchange with your peers and enjoy some tasty sangria.

See you on Tuesday.

- Evy

PS: There is usually lots of free parking on the street in front of pariSoma as of 6pm. Directions are available here:

When: Tuesday, July 13,[masked]:00 PM

Where: PariSoMa
1436 Howard St
San Francisco, CA 94103

You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup: