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RE: [humanism-184] Apology from Cody

From: Steve S.
Sent on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 12:30 PM
No worries Cody!


Subject: [humanism-184] Apology from Cody
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Fri, 12 Mar[masked]:21:44 -0500

Dear HASD Members,

I am new to San Diego and to HASD. I am prior Army and have spent much of the last five years away from many of the technologies we take for granted in the States. In addition I am relatively new to administration though I am quite eager to learn. I am enthusiastic about my position as secretary and will strive to do my best to promote the Humanist cause. I take my duties quite seriously and any mistakes I make along the way I intend to correct as soon as they occur.

 Please forgive me for my error in sending out personal email addresses with the Darrel Ray letter; for I  failed to realize I must send messages on the Bcc setting. I have, since learned of my error and how to correctly send out email for HASD.

It is my intent to protect the privacy of HASD members, and in the future I will be more cautious about handling this information.
Please accept my sincerest apologies for this mistake.


Cody Gorden

Humanist Association of San Diego
P.O. Box 3653
San Diego, CA 92163

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