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Startup Weekend LA Promo Code "uxrocks" || Santa Monica Venue || Quantified Self Devices & Google Glass || Don Norman

From: Crystal E.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 12, 2013, 11:49 AM

Coloft has created a promo code for the fast approaching Startup Weekend LA from 11/22 to 11/24. To get the 15% discount, please register at and use the promo code "uxrocks". This is an awesome hands-on event and I hope you can take advantage of this great opportunity.

On a different note, I am looking for an event space in the Santa Monica area on Thursday, November 21 from 7PM to 9PM for about 60 people. This is part of our event series about career development. The title of this event is "What skills should I be developing to begin working in the field of UX?" We have two fantastic panelists at the moment -- Chris Chandler and Hannah Galloway. We will be adding other panelists shortly. Anyway, we need a venue space for Thursday, November 21 from 7PM to 9PM for about 60 people. Know of a place? Please reach out to me.

At the Don Norman event, please bring your quantified self devices, like fitbit, and wearable displays like Google Glass. If you don't mind, it would be great if you could show others the latest displays and devices you have or are working with. Curious minds want to know. :-)

Also, at the upcoming Don Norman event, each member will have to check in at the registration desk. Please note that getting into the event might be slower than usual. This is a sold out event so no tickets can be purchased at the door. If you need a refund, please email [address removed].

And, I hope most of you have your copy of Don Norman's latest book. Be sure to bring it with you to the event for the book signing. We won't be selling any books at the event.

Best, Crystal

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