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RE: [ibd-2] Short Opportunities

From: stephen
Sent on: Friday, May 1, 2009, 10:50 AM



I have looked over the industry group chart and several of the stock charts. The industry group chart has some of the technical elements for secondary short opportunities. The group and its components ran up more at the end of 2007, sold off hard and then help up well or recovered during 2008. Some of the individual stock charts are still holding up and are not technically bearish yet. Some of the others look like they need to complete action to show us they are short candidates for a second time. Selectivity within the group is a key here. Some of these companies can expand market share and enrollments during tight credit markets and others cannot and must get more help from the government. Because of the general economic malaise, one may want to spend more time learning about various companies’ business prospects compared to their peers to understand what is going on in the charts. That said, if we get a few more quick distribution days and market moves back into correction, a few a of these will sell off hard. If you want to discuss more specifics, please give me a call.


Steve Swadley



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Jeremy Peery
Sent: Friday, May 01,[masked]:52 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [ibd-2] Short Opportunities


Is anyone else seeing the possible shorting opportunities in the Commercial Svcs – Schools industry group? I am seeing several bearish chart patterns in the stocks that ran up late last year. It looks like most of these may need one more run up attempt before the proper short point but I think they’re close.


Oh, and I was in GMCR today, Yes!


Jeremy P.

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