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Re: [iPhoneDevLA] Matthew added a post

From: ::meri::
Sent on: Friday, August 6, 2010, 4:46 PM
Thanks Matthew, I will look into it, but I don't develop, usually hire them out.  I work on the UI and PM of it, but work closely with developers to make sure what I'm designing isn't impossible to develop....but I'd probably save a few bucks learning to do it myself.  Might take me a few months...years..decades though :)

Have a great weekend!

--- On Fri, 8/6/10, Matthew <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Matthew <[address removed]>
Subject: [iPhoneDevLA] Matthew added a post
To: [address removed]
Date: Friday, August 6, 2010, 4:25 PM

If you are just getting started in iPhone programming, I highly recommend you take a couple of days to get cozy with Objective-C before you start writing apps for iPhone. Try doing the following tutorial and playing around. It's fun!

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