What we’re about
Join My Online Inner Child Soul Retrieval Healing Programs To Learn & Practice How To Re-Set Your Brain, Body & Emotional Nervous System In A Safe & Supportive Compassionate Environment.
Our Global Sangha Welcomes Anyone With A Strong Desire & Clear Intention To Heal Early Loss, Childhood Stress, Not Having Your Needs Met Or Feeling Safe, Seen, Soothed & Protected By Your Primary Caregivers.
Each Week When We Meet, You Will Experience Soul Journeys, Chakra Balancing,Energy Healing, Stress Reduction & Emotional Clearing Processes, Mindful Breathing & Relaxation Meditation Transmissions To Help You Remain Calm, Resilient & Respond To Daily Stressors & Triggers With Ease, Grace & Loving Kindness.
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# Release, Re-Set & Update Ancestral Contracts
Date: Saturday, October 5th
Time: 12 - 1:30PM Eastern | Time: 9AM - 10:30AM PST
https://vandanalighthealing.com/pages/release-re-set-update-ancestral-contractsGreetings Ancestral Cycle Breaker,
I invite you to experience one of the deepest ancestral lineage clearing sessions to support & empower you so you can release, melt & transmute broken promises, toxic contracts & family spells, curses, hexes & jinxes passed onto you genetically that don’t belong to you.
And the best part is you don’t have to know where or how your family trauma began!
Epigenetic wounds have a life of their own and may travel with you from lifetime to lifetime and accumulate year by year until you consciously break the cycle of family pain, lack & obligatory contracts & legacy burdens passed onto you from nameless ancestors you never knew.
This is really important work and needs to be done in your lifetime!!!!
So I hope you’ll join me to reclaim your true identity, locate where you’re still holding your great great grandparents non-serving contracts & let me show you how to liberate your true self & re-write each & every one of them to align with your higher power, awaken your inner healer & receive support, wisdom & guidance from your most ancient earth & star ancestral team.In this class, I’ll guide you through gentle clearing processes to:
☯️ Connect with your ancestral kin to better understand them with compassion
☯️ Move beyond generational fight, flight & freeze survivor contracts
☯️ Re-write family vows and unhealed trauma that was passed onto you
☯️ Break free of past conditioning, programming & generational trauma
☯️ Create a new book of life to liberate you & your ancestors from suffering
☯️ Gently heal & mend soul ruptures that left scars, imprints & holes in your soul
☯️ Magically re-write what’s not right to liberate you from harmful contracts & the status quo![img](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0061/5016/0502/files/ANCESTORS.jpg?v=1727800110)
A mini reading is included if you’d like to volunteer to learn see where these contracts were first created and where they may be stored in your chakras from your family tree to get to the root of the problem quickly & painlessly!So if you think your problems started with you, let’s break this spell that was cast upon your ancestors to unburden you & your inner child once and for all.
If you’re still unsure, this class is perfect for you if you are:
☯️ Often stressed, anxious, ungrounded and addicted to emotional overwhelm
☯️ Lack clear boundaries make it easy for others to take advantage of you
☯️ Feel stuck, blocked, defeated & exhausted no matter what you say or do
☯️ Struggle to create, attract & manifest a life filled with ease, bliss & grace
☯️ Transforming into your Mother or Father and you swore this would never happen to you
☯️ Your habits, addictions & patterns disempower you and make you feel out of control
☯️ Willing to receive support from your wise, well, healed & enlightened ancient ancestral guideBe The Person Who Breaks The Cycle Of Generational Trauma & Family Karma!
Click Here To Update Ancestral Contracts!- $40