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New Meetup: Pray During Night

From: Sultan
Sent on: Sunday, December 12, 2010, 5:07 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Quran Discussion Group!

What: Pray During Night

When: Sunday, December 19,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Brookville Reformed Church
2 Brookville Road
Brookville, NY 11545

Learn from the extraordinary wisdom of the Quran and take your life to a higher level.

If you would like to join us by teleconference, please type "by phone" as a comment with your rsvp.

Sura 17 Aya 79

And, additionally, rise from sleep and pray during the night and your Lord may well raise you to a glorious position.

We are continuing the discussion of ayas related to prayer. People who are confused about prayer and who have not experienced its benefits usually consider it a resource of last resort. When their life is stuck and everything they could think of and tried did not work, they say, ?What else can we do in this situation except pray??

People who understand the wisdom of prayer know its power and use it proactively and continuously to dissolve barriers and to shape their lives. The night prayer was a key aspect of Prophet Muhammad?s practice, and he spoke of its power frequently. The benefits of prayer at night and how to make it a part of your life will be discussed in our meeting.

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