

Vancouver UFO is an open, investigative group, focused on Disclosure, "One Story at a Time". We are information-based, and welcome anyone to our group who would like to add their story to the ever-growing evidence of Contact. We also invite you to join us if you have an interest in UFOs and how the Alien Agendas fit into current events. There is mounting evidence for Extraterrestrial presence in our world. Humanity deserves the Truth, once and for all. Citizen Disclosure from experiencers, as well as the therapists who work with them and the authors who write about the phenomena, is the best way to start to figure out what it is. This type of disclosure is immediate, accessible, and experiential. This information, which we consider the most important topic for Humanity has been denied and covered up for more than 70 years. WHY? Why have there been so many abductions dating back since the 1940s or more? What are they doing with our DNA? Are they creating a hybrid race and preparing us for a slow but steady take over. Is it because they think they can create a "better human"?? Or are they simply assisting humanity because we desperately need help now that we have the consequences of irrational behavior staring us squarely in the face with climate change, disease, and pollution killing our planet. Are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse already knocking on our earthly door? What is it about Humanity that we can't live in peace in a world with justice and prosperity for all?--In a world without greed and cruelty towards one another. Can we find a way to live without war, the war machine that creates it, and the ecological destruction and human devastation that comes with it? Perhaps the Aliens see themselves as our "Saviours" and they believe they can prepare us to be truly responsible, loving, space-faring people.

It is not enough to know that we have been lied to. We want to know Why to these questions and really look at possible scenarios for what is taking place. Why not take the first step by talking about the experiences that people have had with these beings, good and bad so that we can begin to put the puzzle pieces together for ourselves, without the filters of misinformation and disinformation, to see what is really going on.

We need to stand together as Light Warriors, seeking Truth, speaking Truth, and working to eradicate the darkness and ignorance that has suppressed humanity for thousands of years. Vancouver UFO is dedicated to compiling and publishing Testimonies of Contact. Only by listening to these testimonies can we begin to sort out this messy problem. That's why we do the work we do, why we do live shows and make videos of our guests' interviews and presentations and put them on Youtube and other social media. We need to get this information out before it is too late to make changes, so why not begin with this? Many of our members have been on the ships so we can testify that the craft and the Aliens are real. Interpersonal contact with extraterrestrial beings is real, and the stories that we tell are from real people. They are the next-door neighbors and their kids, or the waitress at your favorite cafe, or your professor at your college or university, your massage therapist, or your mom, who never told you about her ufo experiences. They are usually individuals who never asked to be contacted or abducted or to be genetically modified, but somehow and for unknown reasons to most of them, they were. For years these people have been afraid to reveal themselves for fear of ridicule or worse but now it is time to step into the light and lay the facts on the table. We are not alone in the Universe and their presence is closer than you think.

"We are Coming Out" of the Alien closet. Join Us.

If you'd like to share your story please write to:

Membership to Vancouver UFO is free but we require support in the form of Donations or T-shirt sales in order to continue our work.
Donations and T-shirt sales can be made through E-transfer or Paypal at merch@vancouverufo.com

Please give whatever you can to help out or order one of our beautiful T-shirts. Vancouver UFO T-shirts are available for $29 CAD, size S-XXL

We, the organizer's team, are all volunteers and don't charge anything for our work but we do pay for many things that are necessary in order to bring you the shows.
Your support of our work helps to keep our virtual doors open. We hope you enjoy our episodes as much as we love producing them. Thank you!
