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Saturday May 1st - Cherry Blossom Festival - Sakura Matsuri

From: Nishi
Sent on: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 10:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for New York City Japanese Dinner & Culture Group!

What: Cherry Blossom Festival - Sakura Matsuri

When: Saturday, May 1,[masked]:00 AM

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
1000 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Hi everyone :)

I would love for us all to meet up to celebrate Sakura Matsuri - the Cherry Blossom Festival - at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden in May! The festival takes place on the first weekend of May for 2-days only, May 1st - May 2nd & runs all day from about 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

My only conflict is this: on Saturday, May 1st, I'll be running the Revlon Women's Run/Walk in the morning & then will also be attending the Tribeca Film Festival & may be attending classes that day from 1-5:30 & do not know when I will be done & able to head to Brooklyn. Sunday for me may be more likely the better day to set this up, but who knows - I may not have to go to the TFF that day & may be able to miss classes ;)

That said, I am simply leaving attendance/time for this Saturday meet-up open & also scheduling this for Sunday as well. Just note your attendance and leave a comment about what times of the days (Saturdays/Sundays) you would be able to be there.

Once I can confirm a time/date, the best place for us to meet will be at the Tokyo Tea House located at the "J-Lounge" at "Osborne Garden."

Check out the itinerary of events that are going on both days at: and

I totally want to attend all of the dance & music performances and definitely want to learn PARA PARA!! :)

Hope most of us can make it there on a Saturday or a Sunday!

- Nishi

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