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What we’re about

I am looking to start an intimate women's study group on Zoom with no more than 6 people per group. I will use both Jungian Psychology & Astrology to help people understand themselves and the cycles of their lives better. We will explore the 12 archetypes of astrology, as well as Jungian concepts such as shadow, persona, the collective unconscious , dream symbolism, and how to use it all in your own life in a tangible way.

You will learn -

~What Astrological Sign your Persona & Shadow are in, and how to work with them.
~Where you are at in your Saturn Cycle and what that means for you.
~What your "Big LIfe Lesson" is ( the Nodes of the Moon) and how to find better balance in life.

I have done groups like this in the past and found they take on a fun flow of their own, part astrology class, part Jungian therapy and part Women's support group! The hope is to create a cohort that can learn and get to know one another over time.

I have a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. I trained as a Marriage and Family Therapist in California, and have been using Astrology in my Counseling practice for the past 10 years. I am passionate about both Astrology and Jungian Psychology and love to share both with others.

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