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What we’re about


The group is for women 45-80 (single or married), who love creating beautiful needle crafts be it knitting (3/4 of us are knitters) others do needlepoint, quilting, cross-stitch, crocheting, rug hooking, etc.  So, please join us and make new friends, finish projects, get help if you need it and show projects you have completed. 

Because of COVID, we are now meeting on Zoom every Sunday  from 2:00-5:00 (coming weekly is NOT mandatory) to get inspired  and have fun. Before the virus, we met in my home in Aspen Hill/Silver Spring, MD and will resume doing that once we are safe again. Once that happens, we can help you learn a new skill (like knitting,) and you can join in on knitting retreats and weekend trips to workshops, shows, fairs, yarn shops, etc. for those interested.

The Founder is a self employed business woman and artist/crafts person......who loves knitting as well as most of the needlework venues mentioned in first paragraph. She also pursues the arts in general: theater, music (Jazz, Rock, Blues, Opera, etc.), and galleries as well as antiquing/flea marketing, the beach, reading (personal and Book Club), traveling (including day and weekend adventures), taking art/craft workshops, Indie and "good" movies, PBS, Jane Austen, cooking, etc. She and other  women friends regularly do many of these activities together and are always open to new people joining outside fun from the club.

If interested, please write me a bit about yourself: needlework interests, other interests, what projects do you want to finish, what you do if you are still working, how old you are, what area you live in, etc. If you appear to be a good fit, I'll ask you to call me so we can talk a bit first to know each other a little better.

I look forward to meeting you,

Polly (Founder)