What we’re about
If you're looking for your people, a group of like-minded writers with a background in journalism and/or professional writing, you've found us! If you're someone who misses when journalism used to be journalism, without all the excessive typos and celebrity news passed off as real news, this group is for you. Whether it's straight news or feature writing about real people with real stories that possess the potential to leave their mark on humanity's soul, we're here to help you when you get stuck, have a wicked case of writer's block or just want to talk about ideas.
When I did a search on Meetup, I was looking for this group and found there was no group. So, I took it upon myself to create one. If this speaks to you, please consider joining.
This is the bait and if enough people bite, we'll have our tribe! Let's see what happens! Just so you know, I'm giving this three months for at least five people to join and commit to attend our first meeting, because without a deadline most of us writers don't know what to do. :-)